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God, Music & Me

Journeys with God chronicled by lyric, chord & melody.

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I’m Kysanne, a Barbadian-born songwriter on a mission to produce my original music. I’ve developed somewhat of a jazzy and folk sound, with a hint of pop and soul. You’ll hear this on my first album project, “God, Music & Me” where I’m daringly sharing the beauties and uglies of my walk with God.

Through videos, you’ll get an insider’s look on my process of music creation as a fairly novice music producer. It won’t be perfect. I’ll make lots of mistakes – no doubt about it. But that’s how we learn.

Along the way, I’ll also share “behind the song” videos so you’ll be immersed in the stories that brought about the music.

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My musical journey began around the age of 12, singing at church and playing piano. With a curious attraction to the guitar, I got my first one around age 16 and soon began strumming along to worship songs. Years later, after studying Mathematics at university, I followed a desire to improve my music skills by enrolling in an associate degree music programme at the Barbados Community College . During this time, having penned quite a few original songs, I was given the opportunity to perform them for a few years at the Honey Jam Barbados Showcase. I grew considerably through these experiences, and, life was about to teach me a lot more.


So, yes, as you may have guessed, life brought all it could. Sickness, accidents, loss, pandemic, unexpected battles, untimely death and then, of course, the lingering after-effects of these traumatic experiences. Through it all, I leaned on the ever-present help of a loving God.

The concept of “God, Music & Me” was first embodied as a song, written in 2011 during a time when God & my guitar were my closest friends. Over the years, I’ve seen it develop into journeys of learning to trust God amidst the raging and thunderous storms of life.

out of comfort.

It’s quite nerve-wrecking to share my life stories through music. I’m an introvert and anyone that knows me knows I’m socially awkward. Nethertheless, I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. It takes courage to do that, and, even more courage to ask people to watch you do it. (AHH!) But, yes, I’m inviting you along on this intriguing and spiritually-enlightening project “God, Music & Me”.

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So, walk with me as I produce the music I hear being sung in my heart and soul. Subscribe to my Youtube channel & follow me on socials. Through my songs and messages, I hope that you are encouraged in your relationship with God.


Support the “God, Music & Me” music production project through a one-time donation or monthly pledge. Your funds will help me to invest in equipment and resources to improve my music & video production process.

One-Time Donation

Give a one-time amount which you can manage.

Monthly Pledge

Become a regular supporter by giving a monthly amount of £7.